Tuesday 11 September 2012

Questions I wish I could ask the Pedophile in My Life.

There are so many questions that come to mind when someone tells me that they watched child porn. Unfortunately I've come to realize, it would be very rude to ask such personal questions to a stranger, and once you get to know a person well enough that it might be ok to ask, thats when you have to worry about souring a friendship. If you ask something the wrong way or just ask the wrong question, then you sound accusatory rather than curious. And even if you can avoid sounding accusatory then there really is no guarantee that they are telling you the truth. Lets be honest, people know the "correct" answer to a question, even if its not the real answer. Thats like when a therapist asks you if you plan to kill yourself, you always say "no" otherwise you wind up spending your weekend on suicide watch at the local hospital. If the person you're asking wants you to view them in a positive light, then it would be too easy for them to give you the answer you want to hear rather than being honest.
So what would I ask a pedophile, if it wouldn't be considered rude to ask and if I could guarantee an honest answer? (Or, more accurately, what would I ask my husband if it wouldn't make me sound unsupportive and if I could actually trust him to give me a truthful answer?)

  1. How do you feel about the fact that actual children were abused in order to make the porn you enjoyed watching?
  2. How do you know that fantasy wouldn't eventually lead to reality? How do you know that you would have never acted on it? I've had plenty of fantasizes I haven't acted on....but also many that I have in fact acted on. 
  3. Where is the boundary line? Is watching child porn as far as it goes, or do you see nothing wrong with fantasizing about children you know in real life? Our children? Our friends' children?
  4. Would you ever touch a child if they seemed willing? Or if a young, confused teen tried to seduce you? If that confused teen was a friend of our children? If that confused teen was our own child?
  5. How would you feel if years from now our daughter knew what you were watching, knew that you fantasized about being with a daughter/daughter-figure? How do you explain that to her? How do you react when she wonders whether or not you want to have sex with her?
  6. How would you feel if someone else acted on a similar fantasy with our daughter? If at 11 years old, her friend's dad or a team coach found a way to take her aside and rape her? Maybe even trick her into thinking she wanted it?
  7. How do you feel knowing that I was raped as child? What makes the girls in the videos you watched any different from me? If someone had video taped my father raping me, would that video have aroused you?