Saturday 23 June 2012

Demonized and Accepted

Since the day I found the child porn, I have felt utterly and completely alone. The more I reach out, the more I am punished.
It started with a friend who just wouldn't answer her phone and didn't call me back.
Then there was his co-workers and the police. People saying, "call if you need anything" then disappearing, never to be heard from again, many without leaving a contact number. Others who promised to call/visit me but then....never to be heard from again. I was desperately lonely but the only person who wasn't avoiding me was Mike.
Mike who I had arrested. Mike whose career I had ruined by outing him for child porn. Mike who I had screamed horrid things at over the phone. Mike who I accused of wanting to rape our own daughter.  Mike, the monster.
The monster was kinder to me than all those people who promised to help. The monster was nicer to me than the police and case workers who were supposed to help. The monster, who I had been so cruel to, was still loving to me. The monster wanted to take care of me.
I was reminded of why I married him in the first place. Reminded of the man rather than the monster. I wondered if perhaps there was a way to salvage our marriage, our family. I announced my intentions to stay with Mike.
Soon enough, I went from being avoided to being demonized. The friend who wouldn't answer her phone finally emailed to say, [paraphrased short version] "Mike is a pedophile, he's probably raped your kids, so your kids will act out sexually, and I don't want my daughter exposed to that." It was only a matter of time before others followed suit in the demonizing. I was told by two separate friends that by staying with Mike, I was essentially selling my daughter into sexual slavery. I braced myself for the backlash of my choices. I expected what little support network I had to disintegrate swiftly and fully. 
Some people surprised me. A small handful of close friends, who I was terrified would disappear, stuck around. They told me I was strong, even though I didn't feel strong. They said they didn't understand but they supported me. These friends were few and far between but I loved and appreciated every one of them.
Still, there was no one who had 'been there, done that.' No wise older friend with both knowledge and personal experience to back it up. No one to advise me on all the unknown I was facing.
I posted a few days ago, my quest to find a forum or online community. I figured that there had to be someone out there, if I just looked hard enough.
After I failed to find support on about a dozen various sites, a break through. One woman who defended me against a cyber mob, referred me to a place I might find hope. I created an account. Told my story, yet again. And the response was....over whelming compassion. Support. Finally, acceptance.

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